Results of the project

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The main results consist in an online assessment tool that will reveal for HEI academics and workers their emotional state during online teaching and offer them support guidelines on emotional management, a training package for them piloted internationally and tested in each partner country, an online course for students confronted with e-learning for a better psychological adaptation, and a creative digital storytelling exhibition.

Target group

The YES4eLearning project has to main target groups:

1) HE trainers, academics and workers confronted with online teaching.

2) Students, enrolled in a formal educational programmes in HEIs.

the main results of the project

New online tool assesses emotions for educators

Emotional management awareness of HE academics, teachers and workers

Assessment questions and solutions for delivering results

Project meeting on the implementation of work package

Online project meetings for monitoring activities, problem-solving, and planning

6 local workshops with 120 participants total to disseminate the online assessment tool